शनिवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2024

Chintha Chettu : The Tamarind tree

Chintha Chettu is Tamarind tree in Telugu. Chintha is Tamarind and Chettu is tree.

तानसेन की समाधि पर उत्कीर्ण लेख

now read the lesson. 

Chintha Chettu

Chintha Chettu is a tamarind tree.

This famous tamarind tree is in Gwalior.

It grows over Tansen’s tomb.

Tansen was a great singer.

People in Gwalior say:

"Eat the leaves of this tamarind tree

And you’ll also sing like Tansen!"

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

सद्य: आलोकित!

महाकुंभ के 144 साल

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